
Gym Interface

Here is a basic example of how to make a ManiSkill2 environment following the interface of Gymnasium and run a random policy.

Note: starting from ManiSkill2 v0.5.0, we have switched to the Gymnasium interface in place of the old OpenAI Gym. The instructions below apply to the latest version of ManiSkill2 with Gymnasium. If you are using ManiSkill2 versions prior to v0.5.0, please follow the OpenAI Gym interface (i.e., replace import gymnasium as gym with import gym; replace obs, _ = env.reset(seed=0) with obs = env.reset(seed=0); replace obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action) with obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)).

import gymnasium as gym
import mani_skill2.envs

env = gym.make("PickCube-v0", obs_mode="rgbd", control_mode="pd_joint_delta_pos", render_mode="human")
print("Observation space", env.observation_space)
print("Action space", env.action_space)

obs, _ = env.reset(seed=0) # reset with a seed for randomness
terminated, truncated = False, False
while not terminated and not truncated:
    action = env.action_space.sample()
    obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
    env.render()  # a display is required to render

Each ManiSkill2 environment supports different observation modes and control modes, which determine its observation space and action space. They can be specified by gym.make(env_id, obs_mode=..., control_mode=...).

The common observation modes are state, rgbd, pointcloud. We also support state_dict (states organized as a hierarchical dictionary) and image (raw visual observations without postprocessing). Please refer to Observation for more details.

We support a wide range of controllers. Different controllers can have different effects on your algorithms. Thus, it is recommended to understand the action space you are going to use. Please refer to Controllers for more details.

Some environments require downloading assets. You can download all the assets by python -m mani_skill2.utils.download_asset all or download task-specific assets by python -m mani_skill2.utils.download_asset ${ENV_ID}. The assets will be downloaded to ./data/ by default, and you can also use the environment variable MS2_ASSET_DIR to specify this destination. Please refer to Environments for all supported environments, and which environments require downloading assets.

Interactive Play

We provide an example script to interactively play with our environments. A display is required.

# PickCube-v0 can be replaced with other environment id.
python -m mani_skill2.examples.demo_manual_control -e PickCube-v0

Keyboard controls:

  • Press i (or j, k, l, u, o) to move the end-effector.

  • Press any key between 1 to 6 to rotate the end-effector.

  • Press f or g to open or close the gripper.

  • Press w (or a, s, d) to translate the base if the robot is mobile. Press q or e to rotate the base. Press z or x to lift the torso.

  • Press esc to close the viewer and exit the program.

To enable an interactive viewer supported by SAPIEN, you can add --enable-sapien-viewer. The interactive SAPIEN viewer is more powerful for debugging (e.g., checking collision shapes, getting current poses). There will be two windows: an OpenCV window and a SAPIEN (GL) window. Pressing 0 on the focused window can switch the control to the other one.

OpenCV viewer SAPIEN viewer

Vectorized Environment

We provide an implementation of vectorized environments (for rigid-body environments) optimized for visual observations, powered by the SAPIEN RPC-based render server-client system. Importantly, our vectorized environment parallelizes rendering (visual observations) and computing non-visual observations as well as rewards, in a communication-efficient way (visual observation tensors are kept on the GPU to avoid unnecessary data transfer).

It is easy to create a vectorized environment:

from mani_skill2.vector import VecEnv, make
env: VecEnv = make("PickCube-v0", num_envs=4)

Please see mani_skill2/examples/demo_vec_env.py for a complete example of how to use the ManiSkill2 vectorized environment as well as some simple profiling code to test speed of environment sampling with different environments and settings. You can run it directly as so below:

python -m mani_skill2.examples.demo_vec_env -e PickCube-v0 -n 4

You can compare the speed difference by passing in --vecenv-type "gym" to use the default gym vectorized environment.

We provide examples to use our VecEnv with Stable-baselines3. Please refer to our notebook or example scripts.

Implementation details: The vectorized environment is optimized for visual observations. In short, the vectorized environment creates multiple python processes (workers) to run the physical simulation for each environment. For each timestep, each worker will compute non-visual observations and rewards in parallel with rendering visual observations. Specifically, the worker (client) sends information needed for rendering to the main process (server), and the actual work of rendering is done by the server. Thus, non-visual and visual observations are obtained in parallel, and the amount of information to communicate between processes is minimized.


  • The vectorized environment only supports observation modes including visual observations (rgbd, pointcloud, image). If only state observations are needed, most RL libraries (like Stable-baselines3) provide their implementations of multi-process vectorized environments.

  • The visual observations (rendered from cameras) are torch.Tensor while non-visual observations are numpy.ndarray. It is critical to keep tensors on the GPU for overall efficiency.

  • env.render() is not supported in the vectorized environment. We suggest that you only use our implementation of vectorized environments for training.


We provide hands-on tutorials about ManiSkill2. All the tutorials can be found here.

ManiSkill2 is based on SAPIEN. SAPIEN tutorials are here.