



  • Objective: Pick up a cube and move it to a goal position.

  • Success metric: The cube is within 2.5 cm of the goal position, and the robot is static.

  • Goal specification: 3D goal position.

  • Demonstration: 1000 successful trajectories.

  • Evaluaion protocol: 100 episodes with different initial joint positions of the robot and initial cube pose.



  • Objective: Pick up a red cube and place it onto a green one.

  • Success metric: The red cube is placed on top of the green one stably and it is not grasped.

  • Demonstration: 1000 successful trajectories.

  • Evaluaion protocol: 100 episodes with different initial joint positions of the robot and initial poses of both cubes.




  • Objective: Pick up a YCB object and move it to a goal position.

  • Success metric: The object is within 2.5 cm of the goal position, and the robot is static.

  • Goal specification: 3D goal position.

  • Demonstration: 100 successful trajectories for each of the 74 YCB objects.

  • Evaluation protocol:

    • 5 episodes per object in the training set (74 YCB objects).

    • 10 episodes per object in the held-out evaluation set (40 objects from other sources).


Use all models:

env = gym.make("PickSingleYCB-v0")

Use a single model:

env = gym.make("PickSingleYCB-v0", model_ids="002_master_chef_can")

Use multiple models:

env = gym.make("PickSingleYCB-v0", model_ids=["002_master_chef_can", "003_cracker_box"])

Model ids can be found in mani_skill2/assets/mani_skill2_ycb/info_pick_v0.json.



  • Objective: Pick up an EGAD object and move it to a goal position.

  • Note: The color for the EGAD object is randomized.

  • Success metric: The object is within 2.5 cm of the goal position, and the robot is static.

  • Goal specification: 3D goal position.

  • Demonstration: a total of 7785 trajectories for the 1600 EGAD objects (at most 5 trajectories per object).

  • Evaluation protocol:

    • 1 episode per object in the training set (a subset of 150 EGAD objects).

    • 2 episodes per object in the evaluation set (150 held-out EGAD objects).


You can use a similar way as PickSingleYCB to select models. Model ids can be found in mani_skill2/assets/mani_skill2_egad/info_pick_train_v0.json.



  • Objective: Pick up an object from a clutter of 4-8 YCB objects

  • Success metric: The object is within 2.5 cm of the goal position, and the robot is static.

  • Goal specification: 3D goal position and 3D initial position of the object to pick up (a visible point on the surface).

  • Demonstration: a total of 4986 trajectories (5000 training layouts of objects).

  • Evaluation protocol:

    • 100 episodes for the training set of YCB objects.

    • 100 episodes for the evaluation set of held-out objects.




  • Objective: Insert a peg into the horizontal hole in a box.

  • Success metric: Half of the peg is inserted into the hole.

  • Demonstration: 1000 successful trajectories.

  • Evaluation protocol: 100 episodes with different initial joint positions of the robot, initial poses of the peg and box, the position and size of the hole.



  • Objective: Plug a charger into a wall receptacle.

  • Success metric: The charger is fully inserted into the receptacle.

  • Demonstration: 1000 successful trajectories.

  • Evaluation protocol: 100 episodes with different initial joint positions of the robot, initial poses of the charger and wall.




  • Objective: Insert an object into the corresponding slot on a board.

  • Success metric: An object must fully fit into its slot, which must simultaneously satisfy 3 criteria: (1) height of the object center is within 3mm of the height of the board; (2) rotation error is within 4 degrees; (3) position error is within 2cm.

  • Demonstration: a total of 1720 trajectories for 337 kit configurations and 20 objects.

  • Evaluation protocol:

    • 100 episodes for 20 training objects.

    • 100 episodes for 20 held-out evaluation objects.





  • Objective: Navigate the (Panda) robot arm through a region of dense obstacles and move the end-effector to a goal pose.

  • Note: The shape and color of dense obstacles are randomized.

  • Success metric: The end-effector pose is within 2.5 cm and 15 degrees of the goal pose.

  • Goal specification: The goal pose of the end-effector.

  • Demonstration: 1976 successful trajectories.

  • Evaluation protocol: 100 episodes with different layouts of obstacles.




  • Objective: Turn on a faucet by rotating its handle.

  • Success metric: The faucet handle has been turned past a target angular distance.

  • Goal specification: The remaining angular distance to rotate the handle, the initial center of mass of the target handle (since there can be multiple handles in a single faucet), and the direction to rotate the handle specified as 3D joint axis.

  • Demonstration: a total of 5510 trajectories (100 trajectories per faucet for most of 60 models from PartNet-Mobility).

  • Evaluation protocol:

    • 5 episodes per model in the training set (60)

    • 17 episodes per model in the test set (18)


Use all models:

env = gym.make("TurnFaucet-v0")

Use a single model:

env = gym.make("TurnFaucet-v0", model_ids="5000")

Use multiple models:

env = gym.make("TurnFaucet-v0", model_ids=["5001", "5002"])

Model ids can be found in mani_skill2/assets/partnet_mobility/meta/info_faucet_train.json.

Mobile Manipulation from ManiSkill1



  • Objective: A single-arm mobile robot needs to open a designated target door on a cabinet.

  • Note: The friction and damping parameters for the door joints are randomized.

  • Success metric: The target door has been opened to at least 90% of the maximum range, and the target door is static.

  • Goal specification: The target angular distance to rotate the door, the initial center of mass of the target link (since there can be multiple doors in a single cabinet), and the direction to rotate the door specified as 3D joint axis.

  • Demonstration: 300 trajectories for each target door in the training object set. The training object set consists of 42 cabinets. Each cabinet could contain multiple doors.

  • Evaluation protocol:

    • 125 episodes for models in the training set (42)

    • 25 episodes per model in the test set (10)




  • Objective: A single-arm mobile robot needs to open a designated target drawer on a cabinet.

  • Note: The friction and damping parameters for the drawer joints are randomized.

  • Success metric: The target drawer has been opened to at least 90% of the maximum range, and the target drawer is static.

  • Goal specification: The target linear distance to pull the drawer, the initial center of mass of the target link (since there can be multiple drawers in a single cabinet), and the direction to pull the drawer specified as 3D joint axis.

  • Demonstration: 300 trajectories for each target drawer in the training object set. The training object set consists of 25 cabinets. Each cabinet could contain multiple drawers.

  • Evaluation protocol:

    • 5 episodes per model in the training set (25)

    • 25 episodes per model in the test set (10)




  • Objective: A dual-arm mobile robot needs to push a swivel chair to a target location on the ground (indicated by a red hemisphere) and prevent it from falling over.

  • Note: The friction and damping parameters for the chair joints are randomized.

  • Success metric: The chair is close enough (within 15 cm) to the target location, is static, and does not fall over.

  • Demonstration: 300 trajectories for each chair in the training object set. The training object set consists of 26 chairs.

  • Evaluation protocol:

    • 5 episodes per model in the training set (26)

    • 25 episodes per model in the test set (10)




  • Objective: A dual-arm mobile robot needs to move a bucket with a ball inside and lift it onto a platform.

  • Success metric: The bucket is placed on or above the platform at the upright position, and the bucket is static, and the ball remains in the bucket.

  • Demonstration: 300 trajectories for each bucket in the training object set. The training object set consists of 29 buckets.

  • Evaluation protocol:

    • 5 episodes per model in the training set (29)

    • 25 episodes per model in the test set (10)




  • Objective: Lift a specific amount of clay to a target height.

  • Success metric: The amount of lifted clay must be within a given range; the lifted clay is higher than a specific height; fewer than 20 clay particles are spilled on the ground; soft body velocity <0.05.

  • Goal specification: Target clay amount.

  • Demonstration: 200 successful trajectories.

  • Evaluation protocol: 100 episodes with different bucket poses and initial heightmaps of clay.



  • Objective: Fill clay from a bucket into the target beaker.

  • Success metric: The amount of clay inside the target beaker >90%; soft body velocity <0.05.

  • Goal specification: Beaker position.

  • Demonstration: 200 successful trajectories.

  • Evaluation protocol: 100 episodes with different initial rotations of the bucket and initial positions of the beaker.



  • Objective: Pour liquid from a bottle into a beaker.

  • Success metric: The liquid level in the beaker is within 4mm of the red line; the spilled water is fewer than 100 particles; the bottle returns to the upright position in the end; robot arm velocity <0.05.

  • Goal specification: Red line height.

  • Demonstration: 200 successful trajectories.

  • Evaluation protocol: 100 episodes with different bottle positions, the level of water in the bottle, and beaker positions.



  • Objective: Hang a noodle on a target rod.

  • Success metric: Part of the noodle is higher than the rod; two ends of the noodle are on different sides of the rod; the noodle is not touching the ground; the gripper is open; soft body velocity <0.05.

  • Goal specification: Rod position.

  • Demonstration: 200 successful trajectories.

  • Evaluation protocol: 100 episodes with different initial positions of the gripper and rod poses.




  • Objective: Deform plasticine into a target shape.

  • Success metric: The Chamfer distance between the current plasticine and the target shape is less than \(0.3t\), where \(t\) is the Chamfer distance between the initial shape and target shape.

  • Goal specification: RGBD / point cloud observations of the target plasticine from 4 different views.

  • Demonstration: 1556 successful trajectories. Different trajectories correspond to different target shapes.

  • Evaluation protocol: 50 episodes with different target shapes.




  • Objective: Write a given character on clay. The target character is randomly sampled from an alphabet of over 50 characters.

  • Success metric: The IoU (Intersection over Union) between the current pattern and the target character is larger than 0.8.

  • Goal specification: The depth map of the target character.

  • Demonstration: 200 successful trajectories.

  • Evaluation protocol: 50 episodes with different target characters.
